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Cinema Chair/Folding Seat

The Chair must be selected before design begins. (Why?)


The Chair dimensions determine;

•Row Spacing which can be calculated by using the Chair dimensions there should be proper spacing between the chairs in order to walk in between gaps.

•The entire capacity of the theater is calculated by the chair dimension and the room dimension which determines the theater capacity like 20 seated or 30 seated.

•The chairs should be checked with its riser height, it should not be too high or low.


Characteristics of an Ideal Chair for Home Theater;


•It should be comfortable for a long term (without napping).

•The arms should be skinny so that it avoids the sweat for the user.

•Chairs with smaller footprint will increase the overall capacity of the room and also increases the space for side tables.

•Cloth based chairs are noise absorptive

•Leather chairs are diaphragmatic which affect the breathing action of human beings.

•The chairs should not have higher backs.

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